Why am I not seeing my ads when I search for my keywords on Google?


Looking everywhere for your ad but still can't find it? If you have a Google Search ad, you can look for your ad with the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool on Google Ads. It can help you to confirm that your Search ad is running without impacting your ad results. The Ad Preview tool would ensure that you do not impact impressions, which would lower click-through rate and skew campaign results. You can also hover over the speech bubble in the "Status" column of the Ads tab next to your ad, to see more information about its status. If your ad isn't showing, the tool will tell you why and offer tips to help you get your ads up and running.

If you repeatedly search for your own ad on Google Search but never click it, you may stop seeing it. That's because Google's system recognises your computer and stops showing you ads that it thinks you are not interested in. Remember to use the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool to view your ad as it appears in Google search results instead of performing a regular search. It prevents you from racking up impressions while you try to locate your ad.